February 13, 2025

Litum Health

Health Blog

Are There Any Side Effects of Dental implants?

2 min read

Dental implants help to restore the aesthetics and functionality of your teeth. The surgery of dental implants is generally safe. But like everything else, it has some possible side effects as well. Consult Littleton dental implants to get natural-looking restorations and enhance your smile. The side effects of dental implants include the following:

  • Infection 

If the dentist fails to ensure cleanliness in the treatment, it can lead to infection. The dentist must cleanse the area properly before attaching the implant. It is a necessary step to prevent infection and the growth of bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi, and other types of germs in the body. Many doctors prescribe antibiotics before the surgery, which help remove bacteria in that area. After placing the implant, your mouth should be left to heal sufficiently for three to six months. 

If you experience redness, inflammation, or soreness in your gums after the implant, seek help from your dentist to treat the infection promptly and safeguard your gums and teeth along with the implant.

  • Gums, bones, and blood vessels Injury

Damage to the gums or blood vessels is a commonly experienced side effect of dental implants. As a result, the implant gets loosened, and the tissue surrounding it gets injured. If you experience consistent pain or notice that your implants feel loose, consult your dentist as soon as possible.

  • Nerve Damage

Often, nerves get damaged after dental surgery. Symptoms like tingling sensation in the face, mouth area, or gums can be a side effect of the implant. If you encounter any of these problems, make sure to get them treated by a professional.

  • Sinus Problems

Misplacement of the implants in the uppermost row of gums causes sinus problems. If the implant is not fitted perfectly, it can cause protrusion in the sinus cavity and cause sinus-related issues like headaches, etc. Using x-rays before the implant helps to decide the location of the implant and avoid such problems. 

  • Implant Fracture

Implant fracture is possible after the procedure. It takes place when the implant is exposed to extreme force or trauma. If your implant is fractured, you must get a new one. It will cost a lot of money and discomfort, so in order to avoid that, make sure to refrain from chewing tough meals. Clenching of teeth must be avoided as well. Make sure to keep your jaw relaxed. Get yourself a night guard to prevent bruxism or excess teeth grinding during the night. It helps to protect your implants along with your natural teeth.