January 16, 2025

Litum Health

Health Blog

Things You Need to Know About Vertigo

2 min read

Vertigo illness concept. Man hands on his head felling headache dizzy sense of spinning dizziness,a problem with the inner ear, brain, or sensory nerve pathway.

Taking care of your ears doesn’t just help you hear loud and clear, it will also help balance your body. Surprised? Well, don’t be! Most people think it’s our legs that support our weight and help us balance our bodies. That’s, however, medically incorrect. It’s our ears that balance our bodies.

Naturally, if there’s something wrong with hearing, it will naturally cause balance problems. This particular condition is known as Vertigo.

If you or anybody in your family or friend circle find it hard to balance yourself while walking in a straight line, it’s a probability that Vertigo is the culprit.

Read this quick post to find out how vertigo can be detected and treated!

Detecting Vertigo

The first step towards a proper treatment is to find out that Vertigo isn’t a symptom of any CNS disorder or tumor you might be suffering from.

Once these conditions are ruled out, here’s what you should know.

Establishing that You Have Vertigo

It’s not that hard, really! There are some sure-shot signs that indicate you’re inching closer to having a full-blown Vertigo impact. Have a look!

  1. You’ve literally developed a fear of moving a leg in darkness.
  2. You can’t walk in a straight line when walking in an aisle in a supermarket or train station.
  3. You can’t walk without feeling dizzy.
  4. There’s a giddy feeling you experience whenever you stand up.
  5. You feel that your body is still in motion while you’re actually sitting down (even lying down at times).
  6. Visual stimulation makes you dizzy, nauseous even.

So, is it the end of normalcy you had in your life before you had Vertigo? Well, certainly not. Audiologists can help by putting you through different rehabilitation programs that’ll bring back your control over movement.

Let’s find out how.

How do Audiologists Confirm Vertigo?

Your signs and symptoms could be matching Vertigo. But, a good audiologist will always carry out certain tests to find out the extent of Vertigo so that they know whether you have mild Vertigo or a severe one.

Here’s a list of tests that audiologists perform.

  1. Oculomotor assessment.
  2. Assessment of oscillopsia.
  3. Assessment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
  4. Videonystagmography.

The results from all these tests are combined and a detailed report is sent to your treating physician.

Once the degree and severity are established, your doctor will suggest rehabilitation programs. The longevity and follow-up sessions will solely depend upon the extent of difficulty you’re having due to Vertigo.

If you’re living in Montreal and dealing with an imbalance that has started restricting your movement, Audiologie Centre-Ouest test auditif is one of the best clinics with some of the best audiologists in the city ready to treat you.